NAME | Derrick Lang |
dlang@dlangtraining.ch | |
BIO | Former Professional and NCAA Basketball Player with over 10y in Sports Management |

NAME | Eric Tamanda Banda |
POSITION | Head Coach |
N/A | |
BIO | Former professional basketball player with M.A. in International Sports Development and Politics with Olympics License possession |

NAME | Bryan Colon |
POSITION | Coach |
TBD | |
BIO | Professional Basketball Player |

NAME | Stevan Jovanovic |
POSITION | Operations Manager |
stevan@dlangtraining.ch | |
BIO | Former NCAA Basketball Player with 5y in Sports Management |

NAME | Bastien Gredy |
POSITION | Strength & Condition Coach |
N/A | |
BIO | Master of Science in Sports Specialization in Elite Sports |

NAME | Maria Giovanna De Leo |
POSITION | Nutritionist |
N/A | |
BIO | Holder of Ph.D. in Life and Biomolecular Sciences and Research Officer at Lausanne University |

NAME | Adin Sunj |
POSITION | Coach |
N/A | |
BIO | N/A |

NAME | Tarek Farhat |
POSITION | Coach |
N/A | |
BIO | N/A |

NAME | Ademir Sunj |
POSITION | Coach |
N/A | |
BIO | N/A |

NAME | Tina Benic |
POSITION | Girl’s Head Coach |
N/A | |
BIO | N/A |